Fully Customizable AI Widgets for your Website without Coding

Published on March 20, 2023 00:00:00

Tags: ai, artificial intelligence, no-code

by Stephen Asuncion

As websites become more sophisticated and competition grows fiercer, businesses are looking for innovative ways to improve user engagement and drive conversions. One of the most promising new technologies is InteraxAI. In this article, we'll explore what InteraxAI is, how it works, and how you can use it to enhance your website's user experience and boost engagement.

What is InteraxAI?

InteraxAI is a no-code white label platform that offers interactive website widgets that harness the power of artificial intelligence to deliver a more personalized and intuitive user experience. The platform is designed to be easy to use, so you can quickly and easily create a fully customizable AI widget that's tailored to your specific needs without any coding knowledge. Whether you're looking for a chatbot to provide instant customer support, a recommendation engine to suggest personalized content, or anything in between, InteraxAI has you covered.

How does InteraxAI work?

InteraxAI offers an embed code that lets you incorporate AI widgets on your website. Our widgets rely on various AI API providers like OpenAI, Replicate, and HuggingFace. With its UI and API customization capabilities, you can personalize the widgets to your liking. Additionally, you can include custom elements to build unique widgets and modify the prompts accordingly. To regulate the interaction with the widget, we provide limiting features, including restricting the number of times a user can engage with it and more. Furthermore, you can activate direct payments to generate income from your widget.

Embed Code

The embed code is a snippet of code that you can add to your website to embed the AI widget. It's a simple process that only takes a few minutes. Simply copy the embed code from the InteraxAI dashboard and paste it into the HTML of your website. Once you've added the embed code, the AI widget will appear on your website. We offer a variety of code snippets such as Custom HTML Elements, and Iframe. You can choose the one that best suits your needs. Learn more about the embed code here.

Embed Code

Configurable API

The API used by our widgets can be fully customized to your liking. For example with OpenAI, you can edit your widget's prompt, temperature, max_tokens, topP, frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, and stop sequence. Learn more about the configuring API here.

Configurable API

Limiting Generations

This is useful if you want to prevent users from spamming your widget. Our platform allows your to set a limit on the number of times a user can engage with your widget. You can also limit user input to a specific number of characters. Also, we offer a feature that allows your to prevent out of context input. Learn more about limiting generations here.

Custom Styling

You can customize the look and feel of your widget by adding custom CSS. You can also add our custom HTML elements to build unique widgets. You can even customize your input's label, placeholder, and more. Learn more about custom styling here.

Custom Styling

Direct Payments

You can activate direct payments to generate income from your widget. You can set the price of your widget and the currency. You can also set the payment method to Stripe or PayPal. Learn more about direct payments here.

Direct Payments


In this article, we explored what InteraxAI is, how it works, and how you can use it to enhance your website's user experience and boost engagement. If you're looking for a way to enhance your website's user experience and boost engagement, InteraxAI is the perfect solution. With its easy-to-use platform, you'll be up and running in no time, delighting your users and driving conversions. So why wait? Start exploring the possibilities today with our fully customizable AI widgets! We believe that InteraxAI will help the no-code communities and people who want to create their own AI widgets without coding in general. Learn about no-code. Please support us on ProductHunt and FutureTools. Thank you!